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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Symphonic Orchestra

There will be rehearsal Thursday, May 12 at 7:30am.  Make sure you are there on time!

Friday, May 6, 2011

PW Music Program Carwash!!!

Take us to the CAR WASH!!!!!

Help our music program raise $6000 for new tympani and piano accessories!!!!

When: Saturday, May 28th
Time: 11am-5pm
Where: Arbutus Village, South side parking next to Safeway
There are 2 hour shifts to sign up for:
(The sign-up is in the music room)
Shift 1: 11am-1pm 
Shift 2: 1pm-3pm
Shift 3: 3pm-5pm

Help support your music program and come out, get wet and have some fun washing cars.
For more information, see Ms. Anderson or email:  info@pwcms.ca


Spring Music Concerts

Hey everyone,

You know it's almost the end of the year when we have all our final concerts just around the corner.  Please make sure you put the following dates in your calendar!!!!

Tuesday, May 17th (7pm-9pm): BAND NIGHT
     -All bands from grade 8-12 will be performing, including the jazz band.
     -Jazz band, please make sure you are in the music room and ready by 6:30pm.
     -Beginner band and Junior band can arrive at 6:45pm.
     -Everyone else please be in the audience by 7pm.

 Wednesday, May 18th (7pm-9pm): String and Choral Night
     -This night includes the Concert Choir, Vocal Jazz, String Orchestra, and Symphonic Orchestra.
     -Concert choir, please be ready by 6:30pm.
     -All other ensembles please be in the audience by 7pm.


Please sign-up and see Ms. Anderson if you would like to volunteer for this event.  
We need the following volunteers:
-Ticket Sellers
-Stage Crew

If you can donate baked goods or items for our silent auction, please see Ms. Anderson.  We need all silent auction donations in by Friday May, 13th.