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Thursday, June 2, 2011


The PW Music Program Car Wash was a huge success!!!

I want to thank Susie, the PWCMS and everyone who came out and volunteered their time last Saturday.  It was super fun and we got some really nice cars in.  We washed 79 cars in 6 hours...woah that's a lot!!!

We made a grand total of: $1790.30 for that one event!!!! GREAT WORK :D

We are getting closer and closer to purchasing new Tympani!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Symphonic Orchestra

There will be rehearsal Thursday, May 12 at 7:30am.  Make sure you are there on time!

Friday, May 6, 2011

PW Music Program Carwash!!!

Take us to the CAR WASH!!!!!

Help our music program raise $6000 for new tympani and piano accessories!!!!

When: Saturday, May 28th
Time: 11am-5pm
Where: Arbutus Village, South side parking next to Safeway
There are 2 hour shifts to sign up for:
(The sign-up is in the music room)
Shift 1: 11am-1pm 
Shift 2: 1pm-3pm
Shift 3: 3pm-5pm

Help support your music program and come out, get wet and have some fun washing cars.
For more information, see Ms. Anderson or email:  info@pwcms.ca


Spring Music Concerts

Hey everyone,

You know it's almost the end of the year when we have all our final concerts just around the corner.  Please make sure you put the following dates in your calendar!!!!

Tuesday, May 17th (7pm-9pm): BAND NIGHT
     -All bands from grade 8-12 will be performing, including the jazz band.
     -Jazz band, please make sure you are in the music room and ready by 6:30pm.
     -Beginner band and Junior band can arrive at 6:45pm.
     -Everyone else please be in the audience by 7pm.

 Wednesday, May 18th (7pm-9pm): String and Choral Night
     -This night includes the Concert Choir, Vocal Jazz, String Orchestra, and Symphonic Orchestra.
     -Concert choir, please be ready by 6:30pm.
     -All other ensembles please be in the audience by 7pm.


Please sign-up and see Ms. Anderson if you would like to volunteer for this event.  
We need the following volunteers:
-Ticket Sellers
-Stage Crew

If you can donate baked goods or items for our silent auction, please see Ms. Anderson.  We need all silent auction donations in by Friday May, 13th.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Seattle Rooming List

Rm 2
Rm 3
Jessica Lee
Virginia Hsu
Hannah Lin 
Elizabeth Chasmar
Grace Lee
Miyue Fuchioka
Ina de Weerdt
Pei Pei Lu
Emily Cao
Doris Ho
Kelly Chan
Rebecca Ko

Caitlin Lim
Chloe Wong
Henry Ahn
Ji Young Li
Janelle Chan
Andy Jin
Amanda Low
Chris Lui
Vinson Yau
Charlotte Chan
Erica Yu
Grant Cretelli 

Malcolm Yu
Johathan Lim
Isaac Beckie
Mason Choi
Lawrence Wong
Graham Drinnan
Bernie Wu
Raymond Liang
Jordan Chiu
Benson Lee
Daniel Hwang
Brian Chau

Darren Wu
Howard Park
Johnny Wong
Brian Wong
Chris Um
Ken Ma
Oscar Yiu
Ray Yiu
Stephen Ou
Jung Lee
Oscar Wu
George Zhang

Lucas Lo
Sean Yue
Angelo Graffos
James Feng
Tony Xie
Ken Jeong
Kyle Dadgar
Steven Wen
Richard Huang
Brian Lin
Jarik Wang
Daniel Whang

Daniel Shultz
Tina Chau
Vince Chiu
Andy Holmes
Siobhan Cowen
Scott Harding
Zenon Santos

Tascha Shahriari-Parsa
Rm 19-Chaperone

Melissa Anderson

James Gray

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Prince of Wales Community Music Society

The Prince of Wales Community Music Society

1.  The Purposes of the Society are:
a.       To encourage students, parents, staff and members of the community to take an active part in the music program at Prince of Wales Secondary School, and to help coordinate such a program.
b.      To support or aid any Prince of Wales Music group in arranging world, national, provincial or local tours.
c.       To solicit and raise funds and to apply for grants to carry out the objectives of the Society, and to accept donations for such purpose;
d.      To cooperate with the school staff and all other groups in such things as are necessary and conducive to the attainment of the objectives of the Society;
e.       To promote, foster and maintain high quality of music at Prince of Wales Secondary School.

2.  The Board of Directors:
            a. The chair, the vice-chair, secretary, treasurer, and two parent representatives from each grade.
            b. All staff members of Prince of Wales Secondary School who are involved in the music program.
i.                    The Chair:  Shall be charged with the general management and supervision of the affairs and operation of the Society.  During absence or inability of the President, his/ her duties and powers may be exercised by the Vice-President.
ii.                  The Vice-President: Shall, in absence of the President, fulfill the duties of the President and shall perform such other duties the President of the Music Director may assign to him/ her.
iii.                The Secretary: Shall be the office clerk.  He/ She shall attend all meetings of the members and record all facts and minutes of all proceedings.  He/ She shall conduct the correspondence of the Society and give all notices required to be given to members and to Directors.  He/ she shall be custodian of all books, papers, records, correspondence, contracts, and other documents belonging to the Society.
iv.                The Treasurer(s): Shall keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the Society in proper books of accounts and shall bring deposits to the music director to put in the Prince of Wales Music Society account.
v.                  Two Parent Representatives: Shall come to each meeting to help in the decision making process for fundraisers, trip planning, and community events.
vi.                Two Student Representatives

**All other parents who are not part of the Board of Directors, are still encouraged to come to the meetings and raise their thoughts, concerns on how to better the music program.**

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Listening Project Term 3- Strings, Senior Band 10, Wind Ensemble

LISTENING PROJECT- TERM 3 (March-May) Due May 19th, 2011

 Based on:
1) My belief that a person's love for music evolves and grows as that person's knowledge and experiences with music broadens,
2) That one of the goals of this Music Department is to produce educated, knowledgeable consumers of music .
3) The fact that a vast majority of high school musicians are not exposed to enough forms of music.

This term the assignment is:
1) Each student must attend a “minimum” of TWO (2) "out-of-school" concerts for the 3rd term.
2) Following the FIRST concert/recital the student must come in and talk with me about the performance. BRING the concert program, program notes and “your” notes. This meeting will not last more than 5 minutes!! Following the SECOND concert/recital you will submit a written (preferably typed) report on the performance. GRAMMAR COUNTS! The student is responsible for stapling a copy of the program and program notes (if available) to the report. “Take notes at the concert” (small) that will help you complete your report. Be prepared to comment on concepts and observations other than "this movement was fast / this one was slow!" Take into account intonation, balance, blend, form, style, musicality, solos, quality of performance, difficulty of music, etc., etc., etc. BE SPECIFIC! Your paper need not be long – two to three pages are sufficient. The commentary should touch on ALL music performed in the concert; however you may choose one or two selections for more detailed analysis. You should listen for the musical elements and other items listed on the “LISTENING GUIDE SHEET”. Include as many of the elements as possible or as apply in your commentary. Please remember that the primary reaction to all art is emotional. Although I am asking you to listen for as many specific musical elements as possible, don’t exclude your emotional response or honest reaction from your commentary. Examples: The melody may sound melancholy to you; The harmonies may be very strange to your ear and you might not like it; You may find the instrumentation fascinating; You may favor the style of a certain composition over another composition on the same concert; You may really love the tempo and rhythm patterns of a particular piece on the program. Listen honestly, openly and intelligently and your paper and comments will reflect it! The grade for this report will be based on 70% Content and 30% Grammar. Please continue to pursue better writing skills with this assignment!
These concerts/recitals need not be far away or cost any money for admission. Many concerts in the area are free, or complimentary tickets may be obtained. Concerts or recitals attended must be "classical" or "jazz" in nature - and may NOT be part of our school calendar. Events to look for can come from Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Vancouver Opera, UBC Wind Symphony and Symphonic Orchestra, Capilano Ensembles, etc. “WARNING”: If you have a question about whether or not the concert/recital you plan to attend will be acceptable -ASK- when in doubt, check it out! Certain “cabaret” type concerts may not be approved...when in doubt “ASK!” This is a BAND/ ORCHESTRA Assignment – try to hear bands, orchestras – jazz bands, etc. NOTE: Ask at least one week in advance for free tickets! This project must be completed by May 19th, 2011 and will count for approx. 10% of your grade for the term. Nothing will be accepted after May 19th!


1. Hand-in written reports within 10 schools days.
2. Verbal reports must take place within 5 school days.
3. Arrive at the concert EARLY – read program notes (they will add to your understanding, knowledge and appreciation of the works on the concert!)
4. Be considerate of others at the concert – don’t detract from their listening
5. Hear the whole concert
6. Take brief notes – bring “Listening Guide Sheet” and something with which to write.
7. Bring notes & program to “discussion style” reports w/Ms. Anderson.


Topics you should observe and comment on might include:
Melody – Linear organization of pitches.
Harmony – Vertical organization of pitches.
Timbre – The characteristic quality of a sound. Texture – The characteristic quality of sound combinations.
Rhythm – The organization of silence and sound.
Form – The structure, shape or organizing principle of music.

Mood or Style – The overall effect of the composition

Volume – The quantity of sound
Instrumentation – The instrument or combinations of instruments chosen by the composer to perform the composition.
Quality of Performance –Especially if you know a composition.
Balance – The balance between the various families of instruments.
Blend – The blend within each of the various families of instruments.
Intonation – Accuracy of pitch (individuals, families or ensemble)
Soloists – some compositions feature soloists – if this is the case make sure you observe them and comment.
Programmatic Material – Include impressions or images the composition provided.

Some helpful sites:

BCMEA Honour Ensemble Auditions- April 18th, 2011

If there is anyone who is interested in auditioning for BCMEA's Honour Ensembles, please check out the website.


Applications are now due.

Symphonic Orchestra Term 3 assignment- Due Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Term 3: Symphonic Orchestra Assignment

You will be sending in an audition CD to the BCMEA Honour ensembles.

If you are a string player, please see the audition requirements for the String Orchestra Honour Ensemble.

If you are a brass/ woodwind/ percussion player, please see the audition requirements for the Honour Wind Ensemble.

All audition requirements can be found on the website:

**Or, you can look on the sectional board where there is additional information about the BCMEA audition.

Grading Criteria:

CD is in on time:         /2
Scale:                           /5
Chromatic Scale:         /5
Exerpt 1:                      /10
Exerpt 2:                      /10

The CD is due Wednesday, May 11th, 2011.  I will be listening for sound projection, musical phrasing and technique, note accuracy, and rhythmic accuracy.

***Make sure you do not say your name on the cd, but hand in a sheet labelling your name and the order of which you have performed your music.

Pep Rally- April 20th block 2.1

Jazz Band members- please be ready to play for the pep rally.  We play at 1:50pm (get there early to set up), then again at 2:40pm.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jazz Cabaret: Masquerade 2011


It was a smash hit of music and food.  Thanks to Flisa Yu who prepared all the food, and thank you students for helping make it!  It was a great and successful night of music sharing.

Seattle Music Retreat: April 29th- May 1st

A reminder to everyone that your Seattle forms are now due.  Please hand in the following if  you have not already:
-Photocopy of your Passport
-Consent form
-Medical form
-Proof of Traveler's insurance

It will be a great trip and I want everyone to be prepared.

***Remember to label your instrument case and your backpack or suitcase!!!***

Central Europe Music Tour

The Central Europe Music Tour was a hit! All the students enjoyed themselves visiting: Munich and Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany; Salzburg and Vienna in Austria; and Prague, Czech Republic.  

Everyone involved got an authentic look at Central Europe thanks to our terrific tour guide Ondrej. We started off with our first few days in Munich, Germany, with trips to the picture-esque palaces of Nymphenburg and Neuschwanstein.  We received the rare opportunity to play at Nymphemburg Palace, right beside their beautiful lake, with Swans swimming about. it was a cold day that day, but the kids played beautifully and people enjoyed them.  

Following that, we continued our trek to the birthplace of Mozart, Salzburg, Austria, with a stop-off first at the Berchtesgaden salt mines.  We will always remember those huge slides and the boat ride through the salt water. The gorgeous city of Salzburg surrounded by the Alps, gave a glimpse of our legendary composer's life, as the students got to walk in his footsteps. We were also given the honour to play at the world famous Mirabell Gardens. 

After the Sound of Music tour, through Salzburg and the Alps, the group was off to Vienna. While there the special treat of being able to see the Vienna Opera perform Aida, in the world renowned Vienna Opera House. We also performed in and visited Vienna's Haus der Musik (House of Music) where the kids got to enjoy some history of music and try my job of conducting.  There they also enjoyed the famous Sacher Torte.

Prague Castle at night

My boys in White: George, Janek, Max, Ms. Anderson, Howard

We were about to see the Piano Recital

On the way to Europe

Taking Pictures of Neuschwanstein Castle

Munich, Germany

City Hall- Munich, Germany

Going into the Salt Mines

On a street in Salzburg

Mozart had his tea here

Salz Fortress

Salzburg, Austria

Obviously we need a picture of Mozart

The Backyard to the Sound of Music

This is where the Von Trapp's got married in the Sound of Music

Mozart's Birthplace

Charlotte F.

Miyue and Brian




Right to left: Ashley, Vincent, Anita, Kayvan, Hannah


Our STOMP- Erica, Jordan, George, Chris, Shota, Howard

Dinner before the Opera

Our tour manager on the left- Ondra

Flisa had some happy followers :)

Excited to see Aida


Our seats in the Vienna Opera House

The famous Sacher Torte

Prague, Czech Republic

We were on the bridge separating the old town of Prague with the new.  Prague Castle is in the Background.

There were a lot of performers everywhere.

The trip finished off on a high-note at the "new Paris" of Europe, Prague. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful architecture, and a rare performance of Beethoven sonatas by one of the world renowned piano players.  We got to go on a 2 1/2 walking tour of both the old town and new town of Prague.