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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Central Europe Music Tour

The Central Europe Music Tour was a hit! All the students enjoyed themselves visiting: Munich and Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany; Salzburg and Vienna in Austria; and Prague, Czech Republic.  

Everyone involved got an authentic look at Central Europe thanks to our terrific tour guide Ondrej. We started off with our first few days in Munich, Germany, with trips to the picture-esque palaces of Nymphenburg and Neuschwanstein.  We received the rare opportunity to play at Nymphemburg Palace, right beside their beautiful lake, with Swans swimming about. it was a cold day that day, but the kids played beautifully and people enjoyed them.  

Following that, we continued our trek to the birthplace of Mozart, Salzburg, Austria, with a stop-off first at the Berchtesgaden salt mines.  We will always remember those huge slides and the boat ride through the salt water. The gorgeous city of Salzburg surrounded by the Alps, gave a glimpse of our legendary composer's life, as the students got to walk in his footsteps. We were also given the honour to play at the world famous Mirabell Gardens. 

After the Sound of Music tour, through Salzburg and the Alps, the group was off to Vienna. While there the special treat of being able to see the Vienna Opera perform Aida, in the world renowned Vienna Opera House. We also performed in and visited Vienna's Haus der Musik (House of Music) where the kids got to enjoy some history of music and try my job of conducting.  There they also enjoyed the famous Sacher Torte.

Prague Castle at night

My boys in White: George, Janek, Max, Ms. Anderson, Howard

We were about to see the Piano Recital

On the way to Europe

Taking Pictures of Neuschwanstein Castle

Munich, Germany

City Hall- Munich, Germany

Going into the Salt Mines

On a street in Salzburg

Mozart had his tea here

Salz Fortress

Salzburg, Austria

Obviously we need a picture of Mozart

The Backyard to the Sound of Music

This is where the Von Trapp's got married in the Sound of Music

Mozart's Birthplace

Charlotte F.

Miyue and Brian




Right to left: Ashley, Vincent, Anita, Kayvan, Hannah


Our STOMP- Erica, Jordan, George, Chris, Shota, Howard

Dinner before the Opera

Our tour manager on the left- Ondra

Flisa had some happy followers :)

Excited to see Aida


Our seats in the Vienna Opera House

The famous Sacher Torte

Prague, Czech Republic

We were on the bridge separating the old town of Prague with the new.  Prague Castle is in the Background.

There were a lot of performers everywhere.

The trip finished off on a high-note at the "new Paris" of Europe, Prague. Everyone enjoyed the beautiful architecture, and a rare performance of Beethoven sonatas by one of the world renowned piano players.  We got to go on a 2 1/2 walking tour of both the old town and new town of Prague.

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