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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Symphonic Orchestra Term 3 assignment- Due Wednesday, May 11th, 2011

Term 3: Symphonic Orchestra Assignment

You will be sending in an audition CD to the BCMEA Honour ensembles.

If you are a string player, please see the audition requirements for the String Orchestra Honour Ensemble.

If you are a brass/ woodwind/ percussion player, please see the audition requirements for the Honour Wind Ensemble.

All audition requirements can be found on the website:

**Or, you can look on the sectional board where there is additional information about the BCMEA audition.

Grading Criteria:

CD is in on time:         /2
Scale:                           /5
Chromatic Scale:         /5
Exerpt 1:                      /10
Exerpt 2:                      /10

The CD is due Wednesday, May 11th, 2011.  I will be listening for sound projection, musical phrasing and technique, note accuracy, and rhythmic accuracy.

***Make sure you do not say your name on the cd, but hand in a sheet labelling your name and the order of which you have performed your music.

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